Dental Implants

Dental Implant Restorations in University City & La Jolla

Experiencing tooth loss or dealing with severely compromised teeth can significantly affect your oral health and overall well-being. At the practice of Kiran Panatch DDS, we're proud to offer dental implants that complete your smile and give you back your self-confidence. We're dedicated to guiding you through your restorative dental journey and look forward to learning how we can help you.

Our team has years of experience providing beautiful and personalized La Jolla dental implant restorations. Whether you've experienced dental trauma or have been living with missing teeth for some time, our team is here to support you at every turn. We're equipped to address a broad spectrum of restorative needs from single tooth replacements to full mouth dental implants. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for dental implants in University City.


What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are highly effective solutions for replacing missing or severely damaged or decayed teeth. These restorations improve the aesthetics of your smile and your overall oral health. Made of three main components, tooth implants provide a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking to reclaim the complete integrity of their smile.

  1. The Implant Post: The implant post mimics the root of a natural tooth and is surgically placed within your jawbone. Crafted from biocompatible materials such as titanium, the implant post integrates with the bone, providing a permanent and stable restoration.
  2. The Abutment: The abutment is a connector piece between the implant post and the dental restoration. It creates a secure and comfortable fit, allowing you to chew and speak confidently.
  3. The Restoration Piece: The restoration is the part of your dental implant visible above the gum line. These tooth-shaped restorations can take the form of crowns, bridges, or even full-arch dentures. They are composed of durable materials that closely replicate the feel and aesthetic quality of natural teeth.

Our Approach to Dental Implant Restorations

We understand the intricacies of implant restorations and work with you to coordinate care with our trusted implant placement specialists. We'll be here for you every step of the way and work to tailor your experience to fit your specific needs and oral health goals. While everyone's treatment experience is different, the common steps include:

  • Initial Consultation: You'll come in for your first appointment at our office, where we'll perform a detailed examination to determine if implant posts are the right choice for your needs.
  • Collaboration With Specialists: We'll refer you to an implant placement specialist who will perform the surgical placement of your implant posts. This specialist will also perform any necessary extractions, bone grafts, or sinus lifts to prepare your smile for a successful implant procedure.
  • Healing Period: Your jaw will need time to heal after the treatment while the implant posts fuse to your jawbone in a process called osseointegration. We offer various options to optimize your experience and promote healthy results. For single tooth replacement, we may use an Essix appliance, a clear tray that fits over your teeth and is filled in with a tooth-colored material over the implant site. This provides aesthetic appeal and also keeps your neighboring teeth in position. If you're receiving full mouth dental implants, we can also provide a temporary restoration for you to use during this period.
  • Detailed Impressions: Once you've healed and your implant posts have integrated with your jawbone, we'll take impressions of your bite. These impressions are sent to a trusted dental lab, where they're used as blueprints for creating your restoration.
  • Final Placement: When your restoration is complete, you'll come in for a final appointment so we can place your crown, bridge, or denture. We'll also make any necessary adjustments to ensure you walk away with a comfortable fit.

How Do I Care for My Dental Implant Restorations?

Tooth implants can be cared for much like your natural teeth, with diligent brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups. Maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding habits like smoking are vital to prolonging the longevity of your restorations. It's also important to be careful or even to avoid chewing very hard or sticky foods. We also recommend that you never chew ice with your dental implant restorations.

Dental Implant FAQs

Deciding on dental implant restorations is a significant choice in your journey toward excellent oral health. Our team is dedicated to guiding you through this process with transparency and support, ensuring you're well-informed and confident in your decisions. We're always pleased to answer your questions and never want you to feel like you're in the dark about your restorative treatment plan. Here are some common questions we address:

How long do dental implant restorations last?

When properly maintained, implant posts can serve you for a lifetime. Restorative elements, such as crowns or bridges, can last well over a decade with the right attention to their care.

Absolutely! Implant-supported crowns are excellent choices for your front teeth. They provide exceptional stability and can be fitted with restorations that closely mimic the natural luster and beauty of your surrounding teeth.

If your tooth implant becomes damaged or worn, our dentist is happy to work with you to repair or replace it. Accessing the implant restoration is a simple process, and you won't need further surgery for the replacement.

Your Partner for La Jolla Dental Implants

At the practice of Kiran Panatch DDS, our team is dedicated to the success of your dental implant journey. From your first consultation to the final placement of your restorations, our team is here to support you, ensuring a comfortable and rewarding experience. We're excited about the opportunity to assist you in achieving a confident, revitalized smile. Contact us today to discover our skilled dental implant services in University City!


Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.